Wed. May 8th, 2024

Dr. Stephenie Tornberg, a dual-certified family medicine and obesity medicine physician and international board-certified lactation consultant, has opened ROW Health in Soqualmie, WA. Row Health is the first DPC clinic in the areas, as reported by Living Snoqualmie.

Dr. Tornberg and her family have lived in Snoqualmie for the last twelve years. The pair are raising their two daughters there and have a small farm with cows, goats, chickens, barn cats, honeybees, and two dogs. 

The first and only premier, physician-owned, concierge-level primary care medical practice in Snoqualmie, WA. ROW understands that to restore Health, they need to get to the root of the problem, hence R-O-W, i.e., Root Of Wellness.

To accomplish this, Dr. Tornberg believes that the direct primary care (DPC) model is the best way to deliver the care patients deserve and fulfill their mission: To provide a rejuvenating direct primary care experience focused on restoring health + exceptional care to optimize the well-being of each Member we serve so they can enjoy their full potential.

Congratulations to Dr. Tornberg. It is great to see DPC starting up in a new area of the country. DPC just keeps on growing!

95230cookie-checkROW Health Opens in Snoqualmie, WA
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