Wed. May 8th, 2024

TV Six Upper Michigan Source announced the opening of North Country Health this month. Dr. Ryan Brag, owner and physician, is bringing DPC to a more rural area of Michigan.

It has been around for a good 20 years or so now. It’s less common here in rural areas, but it is definitely picking up some traction. You see it a lot in bigger cities. What we are hoping to do is bring it into Marquette, show that it is viable, it can really make a difference in the care for patients, and show that it can be a really effective way to get the care that you need.

Picture above is Dr. Brag with his wife Katie at the DPC in Kansas City, MO that took place in July. Dr. Brag sums up the conference.

The two days at the DPC Summit were inspiring, fun, educational and exactly what I needed.  I even met medical students and residents who were already exploring this as a career option, which was exciting.  I have attended many medical conferences over the years.  I must do so to maintain my certification as a physician.  Until now, I had never attended a conference where the focus was on sharing knowledge, building relationships, and encouraging other doctors along the journey.  This was a conference focused on solutions to problems.  The helplessness that we often feel as physicians and see in our patients within this nation’s healthcare system had been left at the door at this conference—this was a group of physicians who realized that we can optimize primary care one patient at a time and change the broken system on a community level.  

This is a wonderful testimony to the wonderful work that the DPC Alliance does for physicians at all stages of their careers. Congratulations to Dr. Bragg and keep us posted on your progress.

126940cookie-checkNew DPC Practice Opens in Marquette, MI
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