Sat. May 4th, 2024

In this virtual media-driven world one of the biggest mistakes today’s physicians can make is neglecting some powerful practice development tools that are available virtually free, and just for the asking.

Let’s face it, all successful businesses are built upon solid relationships. Relationships are made by meeting more people. One of the easiest ways to meet more people is to take advantage of local media, social events, and experiences.

Right now, in your very community I bet there is a newspaper editor who would welcome your press release with your photograph. 

Likewise, there is a support group leader looking for a speaker. 

There is a local radio show host looking for a guest. And I bet a community TV station is looking for a health expert.

There’s also the local business owner who needs expertise in helping his employees maintain their health and productivity.

And the cost to do these things? They are all virtually free. So why are they so often neglected?

The reason for this is that they are never tasked and never assigned. 

So what’s the solution here? The solution is to vow to make a list right now of all the things you know you should be doing to grow and promote your practice but are not.

And honestly, the ideas I have just given you are easily worth six figures a year or more. It’s critical to you as a private practice owner that you begin to think like this on a regular basis.

You will find all the time invested in your business training and expertise will go a long way. 

It’s great to be a fabulous clinician however in any private practice all the skills are useless unless people know where and how to find you.

99290cookie-checkAre You Overlooking the Basics in Growing Your DPC Practice?
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By John Hayes, Jr., MD

John Hayes, Jr., MD spent years working primarily with family physicians and surgeons helping their pain and surgery patients with chiropractic, clinical nutrition, and lifestyle coaching. His work with the sickest lead not only to further his training in Family & Lifestyle Medicine but more importantly the development of patient systems, tools and books to better help those patients suffering neuropathy & chronic pain. He is the inventor of the NDGen® neuropathy and pain treatment device. Frustrated with the changes in healthcare and concern about increasing physician demands he published the EVVY nominated book “Living & Practicing by Design”. Along with his wife Patti they developed simplified EMR, practice business platforms, and systems. In addition to his DPC practice in Marshfield Massachusetts he also consults with Physicians and PTs in private practice personalization, neuropathy and pain protocols.

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