Sat. May 4th, 2024

In this episode of the My DPC Story Podcast, we delve into the personal and professional transformation of our guest, Dr. Michael Chunn, as he transitions from the traditional fee-for-service medical model to the more patient-centric Direct Primary Care (DPC). Dr. Chunn shares his experiences and insights, offering a glimpse into the life of a doctor navigating the pressures of modern healthcare and finding solace in a model that prioritizes patient care over paperwork.

The Challenges of Fee-for-Service

Dr. Chunn discusses the mental and physical toll of working within the conventional medical system. The incessant pressure to see more patients and the resultant documentation burdens ultimately led to dissatisfaction with the quality of patient care. Dr. Chunn’s narrative echoes the experiences of many physicians who have found the fee-for-service model restricts the quality of the doctor-patient relationship and the care they can provide.

The Shift to DPC: Discovering a New Approach to Primary Care

The turning point came when Dr. Chunn learned about DPC. By reaching out to a friend, attending a DPC Summit, and conducting extensive research, he became convinced that this model held the promise of a more balanced and fulfilling practice. His DPC journey is a testament to the growing interest in alternative models of care that offer greater autonomy for physicians and a better experience for patients.

Engaging with the Community

Dr. Chunn hosted town hall meetings to effectively communicate the benefits of his new DPC practice, addressing patient inquiries and concerns. Although these sessions did not lead to a surge in practice volume, they were instrumental in educating his patients about DPC and maintaining transparency.

The Benefits of Direct Primary Care

Transitioning into DPC allowed Dr. Chunn to escape the constraints that once plagued his practice. He shares his story of re-establishing his professional identity and finding joy in medicine again. With DPC, Dr. Chunn can now focus on his patients’ needs without interfering with insurance requirements. The result is a thriving practice and a reinvigorated physician.

From Rural Challenges to a New Direction

Dr. Chunn’s medical career has spanned various settings, from the hospitality of a small town in rural Kentucky to the challenges of prescription drug abuse, and occupational medicine. Each transition shaped his approach to patient care, culminating in his embrace of DPC. He reflects on his occupational medicine experiences, site visits, and moonlighting in emergency medicine, contributing to his evolution as a healthcare provider.

Financial and Mental Readiness for DPC

Financial and mental preparation were key to Dr. Chunn’s smooth transition to DPC. Through additional shifts and savings, he forgoed taking a paycheck during the initial months of his DPC practice, avoiding loans and minimizing financial stress. On a mental level, he adjusted to the freedom from coding and billing concerns that typified his previous work.

Building a DPC Practice with Personal Values

Dr. Chunn envisions capping his patient panel to ensure the continued delivery of high-quality care. The growth of his practice has been gradual but consistent, highlighting the importance of creating a sustainable model that aligns with his personal and professional values and the community’s needs.

The Power of Personalized Care

To conclude this inspiring episode, Dr. Chunn reminds us of the profound impact that DPC has had on his work-life balance and personal well-being. As our hosts remark, the stories shared highlight Direct Primary Care’s potential to revitalize patient care and the lives of physicians who embrace it. Dr. Chunn’s journey lightens the path with courage and conviction for those considering a similar transition.


182610cookie-checkTransforming a Fee-For-Service Practice: DPC in Cincinnati
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By Maryal Concepcion, MD

A Sacramento native, Dr. Maryal Concepcion is a Filipinx creator and connector. She attended the University of California at Davis where she graduated in 2005 with a double major in Anthropology (BS) and Evolution & Ecology (BA). She had an unforgettable time as a California transplant when she got her MD at Creighton University in Omaha, NE. It was there she discovered hayrack rides, found her Husband, Dr. Jeremiah Fillo, and discovered her love of rural family medicine. Her residency training was in the unopposed family medicine program at Doctors Medical Center, Modesto, a training extension through the UC Davis Medical School. During her time in training, she returned to rural Superior Nebraska to complete proficiency training in performing colonoscopies as part of her rural family medicine concentration. After residency, she moved to Arnold, CA where she worked under the fee for service model with her Husband doing full-scope care for over five years. Though grateful for her experience in this role, she was driven to seek a better way of life and a desire to practice insurance-free medicine and that was when she discovered DPC. She is the founder and host of the podcast My DPC Story, a weekly podcast that educates and inspires by featuring DPC and direct care physicians. Find it at and on all major podcasting platforms. Most recently, she became the CEO and wearer-of-all-the-other-hats at Big Trees MD, the first Direct Primary Care in Arnold, a rural town of 4,000 in the Stanislaus National Forest located in Northern California. Her clinic was created as a telemedicine and home visit model without a brick and mortar space. But, the title she is most proud of is being a Mama to Asher & Nolan, her two ridiculously awesome and cuddly boys!

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