Sun. Apr 28th, 2024

Dr. Ali is a is the founder and physician at Sina Medical Care, a Direct Primary Care medical office.

Dr. Ali is a physician with a unique journey that spans across continents and healthcare system. She earned her medical degree in 2003 from Baqai Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan, and witnessed the stark contrast between socialized medicine for the less fortunate and premium insurance-based care for the privileged.

She lived and worked in Canada for a while before furthering her medical expertise in Michigan State University in 2011. Here, she encountered the most complex patient cases, honing her understanding of disease pathology in ways she couldn’t have elsewhere. It was a pivotal training ground that set the stage for the next decade of her career.

As an internist in the Midwest region of Chicago, she found herself grappling with a deeply flawed healthcare system. Then, In March 2023, she stumbled upon the Video by Josh Umbehr (The Pioneer of DPC model), a beacon of hope in revolutionizing American healthcare. The tipping point came at her father’s funeral on May 8, 2023. She resolved to channel her grief into creating meaningful change. She resigned from her previous position and embarked on a journey to establish a DPC practice.

Her mission is simple: to empower patients to navigate the intricacies of our healthcare system wisely, ensuring they can utilize their lifetime savings for a healthier future. It’s my way of honoring her father’s memory and making him proud.

As a physician, my journey to the Direct Primary Care model was driven by a desire to provide the highest quality of care to my patients. DPC allows me to put the focus where it truly belongs – on the patient. It’s a model that fosters a deeper doctor-patient relationship, eliminates the constraints of insurance bureaucracy, and enables me to practice medicine the way I always envisioned: with time, compassion, and personalized attention. DPC is the future of healthcare, and I’m proud to be part of this patient-centered revolution.

Doug and I met Dr. Ali at the DPC Summit and she truly is a wonderful person with such great enthusiasm. Dr. Ali, you are no doubt making your father very proud, and we are so happy to welcome you to the DPC Family.

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