Mon. May 20th, 2024

WDEF has announced the opening of LifeMed Clinic. Greg Steinke, MD, pictured above, graduated from medical school at Loma Linda University in California, with additional training in public health and nutrition. He then completed four years of additional training at LLU to become board-certified in family and preventive medicine with an emphasis in Lifestyle Medicine. Dr. Steinke has been a physician since 2006, but he had become frustrated with the standard way of practicing medicine. So he began looking for other options and that’s when he found DPC.

I wanted to have more time to help people. To educate and teach people. I began searching for a more effective way. Good ideas catch on. I think many people are hungry for different solutions. So many are unhappy with their overall health care. I think it’s only a matter of time. And I think it’s the wave of the future.

Dr. Steinke grew up in Canada, just outside of Vancouver, BC. He and his wife, Heather, a true Tennessee Southern Belle, met in Nigeria, Africa during a medical mission trip in college. They have two children, Ada, and Andrew, and two cats, Princess and Beauty. In his off time, Dr. Greg can be found yodeling strains to his wife and kids on his guitar, play wrestling with his kids, and enjoying a walk in the woods.

142610cookie-checkLifeMed Clinic Opens in Chattanooga, Tennessee
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