Thu. May 9th, 2024

DPC is not just for family medicine. Penelope Pauley, MD, know to her patients as Dr. Penny, launched The Endocrine Co, the first direct-pay children’s endocrinology clinic in Florida, located in Ocoee. Her goal is to provide every child with kid-centered care. Dr. Penny left her traditional practice and founded The Endocrine Co to devote a higher quality of care in a more intimate setting to her patients.

With ten years of experience, Dr. Penny specializes in treating a variety of conditions, including growth disorders, early and late puberty, and thyroid disorders. She is also a certified diabetes educator and a certified diabetes technology clinician.

At The Endocrine Co, every child’s voice is valued, and every patient is treated with compassion during what can be a confusing and frightening time. Dr. Penny’s goal is to be sure each child, regardless of their age, feels respected and listened to by a trusted, caring adult and is provided with a comfortable, welcoming space to share any concerns.

When not working, Dr. Penny likes to spend time with her husband Joe and two children, Luca age 7 and Clara age 5. She didn’t grow up as an athlete, but she has found sanity through exercise and is now a fitness lover.

Her favorite quote is “You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.” Sophia Bush

It is exciting to see how the DPC model can work in many specialties in medicine. Keep us posted on your progress.

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