Thu. May 2nd, 2024

The Wichita Business Journal announced the opening of Wichita Direct Primary Care. The practice has had a soft opening for the last year as Dr. Jennifer Halabi and Dr. Lynnette Jacobsen finished up their job responsibilities with their other employer, but now the practice is officially open full-time.

The mission of the practice was born out of frustration with the traditional healthcare model in which they had been working.

Health insurance costs go up every year. People pay ever-increasing amounts out of pocket for their healthcare, yet receive less and less for their money.  Health insurance requirements for medical practices increase each year while reimbursements decrease.  Offices need to see more patients every day in order to stay open.  More patients per physician means less time to focus on each patient’s individual needs.

By eliminating insurance in our practice, we can offer better access to your doctor with unlimited visits and longer appointments times.  It also gives us the ability to focus all of our time and effort on you.  Direct primary care gives you more value for your health care dollar.

Halabi says “it’s a model that’s catching on nationally, but has been slower to gain traction in Wichita. But it’s also one she believes will ultimately prove successful in the area.”

DPC News looks forward to hearing updates from Wichita Direct Primary Care.

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