Sun. May 19th, 2024

The Chesterfield Observer recently reported on the opening of EuDoc. Dr. Kenneth Qiu and Dr. Mariana Keener opened EuDoc in late July 2021 in Midlothian, VA. Pictured above sponsoring the 2021-2022 season of the Midlothian high school boys varsity basketball team, you can see that they are already actively getting involved in their community.

Dr. Qiu and Dr. Keener both completed their residencies at the Virginia Commonwealth University affiliated Riverside Regional Medical Center. Working alongside each other during this time, they both had a shared interest in direct primary care. Dr. Qiu had already studied direct primary care quite a bit and had attended a doc summit to learn about the business model. As his residency was coming to an end, Dr. Qiu focused on opening EuDoc and he talked with Dr. Kenner about joining him in this venture.

Everything just made sense to me for the first time.

As a doctor in training I had experience working within the traditional fee-for-service health care model. I gained a new perspective and belief that health care could be more effective and affordable for patients, and also less stressful and demanding for doctors.

The traditional healthcare model burns out physicians and it ruins patients. That’s why I decided to go out on a limb and open a direct primary care practice as early as I did.

From the very beginning, Dr. Keneer joined EuDoc, bringing her own unique set of skills to the practice. She is trained in osteopathy, a medical practice that treats various disorders by addressing joints, muscles and the bones. She also heads up women’s heath at EuDoc. Dr. Qiu and Dr. Keener have different talents and interests which complement each other in the practice and helps to meet all their patients’ need.

Since July 2021, EuDoc has had a steadily growing patient membership, and Drs. Qiu and Keener have been spreading the message about DPC while getting involved in the community.

Direct primary care is fundamentally inexpensive. A lot of what we do is consultation. The procedures that we do are fairly low cost in terms of just having the material. And so when you remove insurance, you find you end up getting better care for less. So by completely removing insurance – people are always like ‘how do you make it so cheap?’ It’s because we don’t have that huge administrative overhead.

You are probably already be familiar with Dr. Qiu. He is the moderator of the resident and student section at DPC News and he has presented at three DPC Summits. Best of luck to him and Dr. Keener. We know that EuDoc will be a huge success!

50850cookie-checkEuDoc Opens in Midlothian, VA
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