Wed. May 8th, 2024

Click2Houston recently did a story about Luminous Health and Wellness, another direct primary care practice located in the Houston, Texas area.

Dr. Diana Medina Galvan opened Luminous Health and Wellness in 2019 and the practice continues to grow. Dr. Medina Galvan shares her story of why she switched to DPC from her traditional medical practice.

So I’ve taken the plunge to move away from insurance into a membership model of primary care. I was previously practicing in a traditional practice for five years. Although I loved my previous staff, I quickly became burned out in this system. I kept contemplating an alternative career versus changing the way I was asked to practice medicine. I had known about direct primary care (DPC) since 2013 but never dared to depart from my employed position and become an entrepreneur. At least not yet. In 2019, I chose to take a leap of faith, follow my instincts, and follow the path of entrepreneurship. This journey has been challenging and rewarding in so many ways. I get to sit down one by one with the patient and genuinely get to know them. The challenges are all worth it.

Dr. Medina Galvan has joined the ranks of about 1,500 doctors nationwide who have taken the plunge into direct primary care. She says that DPC is affecting healthcare as we know it.

They call us disruptors, they say we are rebels, and the thing is I had to leave the traditional practice. The average visit was what, seven minutes with my patients and you cannot assess a patient in seven minutes and give them good quality care. I don’t care what your socioeconomic status is, I don’t care what your legal status is, I don’t care about any of those factors, I just want to take care of you as a patient.

Go to Luminous Health and Wellness to learn more about Dr. Medina Galvan and how her logo was inspired by her Tia Minerva. It is a very touching story that is worth taking the time to read.

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