Thu. May 9th, 2024

The Hartford Business Journal featured Dr. Vasanth Kainkaryam, owner and physician of 4 Elements Direct Primary Care and Wellness Space. Vasanth Kainkaryam, MD is a triple board-certified physician in internal medicine, pediatrics, and obesity medicine, and holds a master’s degree in health informatics. 4 Elements has been opened for a year now, and Dr. Kainkaryam tells how 4 Elements is continuing to grow and thrive.

In this past year, I have continued to grow and define the vision by expanding services to include massage therapy, clinical hypnosis, health coaching and aesthetics to truly provide patients access to everything that they may look for, for their basic health and wellness needs.

We have grown our team and expanded our patient reach as far south as Ridgefield, as far north into Chicopee, Mass., and east to the Boston suburbs.

I continue to adopt technology very early on, and provide as many options as possible to make the process easy and personalized at the same time. I have also brought on two medical students and have had the opportunity to hire, mentor and nurture doctors who are pursuing their medical training in the U.S.

With a growing team, 4 Elements, an affordable membership-based direct primary care (DPC) practice, has now expanded to include high quality med-spa offering laser treatments and facials, and integrative services such as massage and clinical hypnosis.

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