Sat. May 18th, 2024

Dr. Jamie Glover is a family physician, wife, mom, and veteran. She has been practicing medicine since 1999 when she received her M.D. in Bethesda, Maryland. She enjoys the full spectrum of family medicine including care for younger and older adults, teens, children, and infants. She enjoys men’s and women’s health, gynecology, acute care, sports medicine, behavioral health, and office procedures (from stitches to joint injections). She has special interests and experience in adolescent medicine, contraceptive procedures (including IUDs and implants), and HIV medicine.

Dr. Glover served as a physician in the U.S.A.F. for nine years, practicing outpatient, hospital, obstetric, emergency, and deployed medicine during that time. She was also on the teaching faculty at Eglin A.F.B. Family Medicine Residency and at the Uniformed Services University’s School of Medicine. After separating from the Air Force, she continued practicing medicine in varied settings as she followed her husband from state to state until his own retirement from the U.S.A.F. in 2015. Three years prior, she and her husband and their two now teenagers settled in the Monument/Colorado Springs area. 

The varied settings Dr. Glover has practiced in have included providing medical care for the un- and under-insured, HIV medicine, public health work, prison medicine, rural hospital medicine, a hospice medical directorship, employment in a privately-owned practice, work in a hospital-owned practice, and work in a direct primary care (DPC) clinic called PeakMed. 

“In 2017, I finally opened her own clinic in her own community so that I could be a doctor not only for families but also a doctor for the local community.”

In that vein, she loves speaking at local schools, helping high schoolers with their capstone projects, and serving on the Board of Directors at the local Tri-lakes YMCA. She also enjoys being a member of the Tri-lakes Chamber of Commerce.

In 2018, she decided to seek an active appointment as an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Colorado’s School of Medicine. Dr. Glover is so glad that CU School of Medicine now has a UCCS Branch. Approximately 24 students from each class in Denver now do the bulk of their rotations in and around Colorado Springs. Having local medical schools is very important for the future of El Paso County where Monument is located. A high percentage of physicians who train in a given area tend to remain local after graduation or tend to come back to their roots later in their careers. With the growing population, recruiting more physicians to her county is a significant need. Having medical schools also increases the overall quality of medical care in a local geographic area over time. As a CU-SOM assistant clinical professor, she now hosts medical students who rotate with me one half-day a week, 40 weeks a year. She and her patients enjoy helping medical students gain an appreciation for the beautiful specialty of family medicine. In her clinic, she introduces students to primary care as it was meant to be… relationship-based, not production-based. She hopes to show students and residents that there are alternatives to “assembly-line medicine”.


163680cookie-checkMy DPC Story: Dr. Jamie Glover of Glover Family Medicine in Monument, CO
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By Maryal Concepcion, MD

A Sacramento native, Dr. Maryal Concepcion is a Filipinx creator and connector. She attended the University of California at Davis where she graduated in 2005 with a double major in Anthropology (BS) and Evolution & Ecology (BA). She had an unforgettable time as a California transplant when she got her MD at Creighton University in Omaha, NE. It was there she discovered hayrack rides, found her Husband, Dr. Jeremiah Fillo, and discovered her love of rural family medicine. Her residency training was in the unopposed family medicine program at Doctors Medical Center, Modesto, a training extension through the UC Davis Medical School. During her time in training, she returned to rural Superior Nebraska to complete proficiency training in performing colonoscopies as part of her rural family medicine concentration. After residency, she moved to Arnold, CA where she worked under the fee for service model with her Husband doing full-scope care for over five years. Though grateful for her experience in this role, she was driven to seek a better way of life and a desire to practice insurance-free medicine and that was when she discovered DPC. She is the founder and host of the podcast My DPC Story, a weekly podcast that educates and inspires by featuring DPC and direct care physicians. Find it at and on all major podcasting platforms. Most recently, she became the CEO and wearer-of-all-the-other-hats at Big Trees MD, the first Direct Primary Care in Arnold, a rural town of 4,000 in the Stanislaus National Forest located in Northern California. Her clinic was created as a telemedicine and home visit model without a brick and mortar space. But, the title she is most proud of is being a Mama to Asher & Nolan, her two ridiculously awesome and cuddly boys!

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